Temperature Clock

In The Order of Time, by Carlo Rovelli, he talks about the theory that time could be granular - how there could possibly be a smallest division of time, and therefore time is not continuous. This is very interesting and really makes me think. Because, while we experience time in hours, minutes, and seconds, maybe even milliseconds, we read it as something that takes steps, but we experience it as something that is continuous and could be measure into infinitely small measurements.

Also, in The Order of Time, there is mention of time only existing as a measure of change. Without change there is no time. In my personal experience on earth, I feel as though this is how I experience time. The seasons, the food going bad in my fridge, dust collecting in my apartment, my hair and finger nails growing, ect. these are all things that indicate time has passed without looking at a calendar.

I found the 'The Thorny Problem of Keeping the Internet’s Time', the New Yorker article about network time protocol very interesting. I never realized how much work it was to have all of our devices keep track of the same time. And so I never thought about how people had to come up with a way to make a network time, and maintain it. But it is extremely important and even has people fighting over how it should be done.

I collected temperature data in my bedroom and kitchen using an Arduino and a temperautre/humidity sensor for a week. I log that data to a MQTT broker and extracted the data after a week. I got outside weather data from the LaGuardia Airport weather station. The sensors were collecting data every 10 seconds, but the outside temperature was collected every 10 min, so the bedroom and kitchen data sets were cut to also only be every 10 min.

The idea was that the time would only change when the temperature changed. I used the rounded temperatures so they were whole numbers and not decimals because I thought that would show less change, and most of the time when we read temperature it is a whole number.

Since I had three sets of data, I made three different "clocks". The top one is the bedroom temperatures, middle is kitchen temperatures and bottom is outside. A line is drawn every time the rounded temperature changes by 1 degree. So the places where there is not a line means the temperature was the same.

The lines in these clocks also represent "minutes" and when the temperature is not changing, time is not changing. I think this plays a lot with the idea of time being granular and time only existing when there is change. Because all of the temperatures are changing different times and frequencies, the times are all different. And because temperature changes are linear the times will pause for a while or move really fast. The small yellow numbers are the temperatures.

I think this also ties into the idea of keeping time for the whole world or the whole network, like atomic clock and the network clock. It shows how easy is is for time to be different in different places, and how hard it is to get them to be the same.